Ask the readers: which advertising network do you use?

After building a browsergame, most browsergame creators come up with a way for their game to make money. Typically this takes the form of paid subscriptions, sponsorships, or advertising.

Today, I want to talk to the readers who have created a browsergame that is currently using advertising as a revenue source: which network are you using?

There are a multitude of different advertising networks out there, and many different models: pay-per-impression, pay-per-click, and many more. I would like to talk to the creators of browsergames that are currently serving advertisements, to find out which advertising networks are best suited to being used in a browsergame.

If you are currently the owner or developer of a browsergame that is running advertisements, please send me an e-mail at with which advertising network you’re using, and what your thoughts are on it – I’ll try to compile all of your responses, and post them all here once I know a little more.