Building Browsergames: Swapping Weapons (PHP)

It was a close race, but in the end the results of our poll on whether users should dual wield their weapons or have to toggle which one was active have been decided: users will toggle which weapon is currently active. Today, we’re going to be implementing that functionality.

The ’swap weapon’ page is a fairly simple one – all we need is a template and some code to handle it(we even wrote most of it earlier, when we built our weapons shop). We’ll start off with the template, and call it equipment.tpl:

	<title>Equipment Management</title>
	<h3>Current Equipment:</h3>
	<p><a href='index.php'>Back to main</a></p>
			Primary Hand:
			{if $phand ne ''}
				<form action='weapon-shop.php' method='post'>
					<input type='hidden' name='sell' value='phand' />
					<input type='submit' value='Sell' />
			Secondary Hand:
			{if $shand ne ''}
				<form action='weapon-shop.php' method='post'>
					<input type='hidden' name='sell' value='shand' />
					<input type='submit' value='Sell' />
		<form action='equipment.php' method='post'>
			<input type='submit' value='Swap' name='swap' />

This template is relatively simple, and essentially just the top parts of the weapon shop’s template – we even left in the ‘Sell’ buttons, so that users can sell their equipment straight from their equipment page. We have to make sure that the ’swap’ button has a ‘name’ attribute – that way we can check $_POST later to see if it was clicked. Next we’ll build equipment.php, which is responsible for retrieving the current weapons a user is using, and displaying this template:


require_once 'smarty.php';
require_once 'config.php';		// our database settings
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)
	or die('Error connecting to mysql');
// retrieve player's ID
$query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM users WHERE UPPER(username) = UPPER('%s')",
$result = mysql_query($query);
list($userID) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
require_once 'stats.php';	// player stats
$phand = getStat('phand',$userID);
$shand = getStat('shand',$userID);
$phand_query = sprintf("SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = %s",
$result = mysql_query($phand_query);
if($result) {
	list($phand_name) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$shand_query = sprintf("SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = %s",
$result = mysql_query($shand_query);
if($result) {
	list($shand_name) = mysql_fetch_row($result);

Essentially, all that we’re going to be adding on to this code is handling for a POST request; if something is POSTed to this page, we swap the user’s current weapons. The code is fairly simple, as you can see:


if($_POST) {
	$temp = $shand;
	$shand = $phand;	
	$phand = $temp;

And that’s all there is to it! We just add another link to our index page:


<p><a href='equipment.php'>Equipment Management</a></p>[php]
And we’re finished! Here’s the code for our template:

	<title>Equipment Management</title>
	<h3>Current Equipment:</h3>
	<p><a href='index.php'>Back to main</a></p>
			Primary Hand:
			{if $phand ne ''}
				<form action='weapon-shop.php' method='post'>
					<input type='hidden' name='sell' value='phand' />
					<input type='submit' value='Sell' />
			Secondary Hand:
			{if $shand ne ''}
				<form action='weapon-shop.php' method='post'>
					<input type='hidden' name='sell' value='shand' />
					<input type='submit' value='Sell' />
		<form action='equipment.php' method='post'>
			<input type='submit' value='Swap' name='swap' />

And here’s the code for the file that handles the functionality behind the template:


require_once 'smarty.php';
require_once 'config.php';		// our database settings
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)
	or die('Error connecting to mysql');
// retrieve player's ID
$query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM users WHERE UPPER(username) = UPPER('%s')",
$result = mysql_query($query);
list($userID) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
require_once 'stats.php';	// player stats
$phand = getStat('phand',$userID);
$shand = getStat('shand',$userID);
if($_POST) {
	$temp = $shand;
	$shand = $phand;	
	$phand = $temp;
$phand_query = sprintf("SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = %s",
$result = mysql_query($phand_query);
if($result) {
	list($phand_name) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$shand_query = sprintf("SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = %s",
$result = mysql_query($shand_query);
if($result) {
	list($shand_name) = mysql_fetch_row($result);