So long, and thanks for all the fish

This post is very difficult to write.

When I started Building Browsergames back up again, I had big plans – a new design, a cleaner interface, more guest writers. Unfortunately, things didn’t go quite as I planned – and that’s why I’m writing this today.

Building Browsergames is shutting down. Forcing myself to find more writers and games to review and tutorials has had a detrimental effect on quality of the content here – and when you’re teaching someone, you need to know what you’re teaching very well.

By continually trying to post tutorials and reviews under a time constraint, I’ve done a disservice both to myself, and to the browsergame community. Corners would get cut because the tutorial needed to be up in time, and questions would go unanswered.

I also have my own projects to consider. Faction Wars, while currently in the alpha stages, is doing very well – and there are a number of other projects that are getting close to that stage themselves. Writing something for Building Browsergames once or twice a week has proven to be too much of a distraction for me to be able to get as much done as I’d like to on my own projects.

What does this mean for you, the reader? Well, it means a few things:

  • Fewer Updates

    I won’t be writing much anymore. And while I’d like to publish guest posts from other developers and enthusiasts, no one actually seems interested – and anyone who does quickly changes their mind. With that in mind, it’s fairly safe to assume that Building Browsergames will not be updating very often in the near future.

  • The tutorials stay

    I’m proud of what was built using the tutorials – and it even spawned an open-source project based on the code. While the code might not be the best I’ve written, I’m glad that it’s helped visitors who wanted to learn to make their own games to get started.

Essentially, Building Browsergames takes up too much of my time for me to be able to afford to keep it running at the level that I have without making some sort of income from it – and I don’t want to just plaster the site with ads and let the networks go to town. I don’t really want to do that to any of you – so for now, Building Browsergames has to go on a hiatus.

Thanks again to everyone who personally got in touch with me – there’s a good community here, and with a little bit of nurturing I think it can go on to achieve great things.