Who should Building Browsergames approach?

Since the beginning, Building Browsergames has attempted to focus on equipping developers who are interested in building their own browsergames with the tools that they need to do that – and succeed. One of those tools is good advice – which can only be gathered by having developers who have already been ‘in the trenches’ with their own games write about their experiences.

In order to gather that advice, I’ve been e-mailing owners and administrators of games – trying to gather their opinions and thoughts so that I can share them with you. However, it has been difficult to pick which games to approach – what makes one game better than another? What makes one game developer more qualified to offer advice than another?

Answering those questions and deciding which games to approach is pretty difficult – and while I think I’ve made some decent choices on who to approach and who not to, I’m sure that there are game owners that people would like me to approach that I haven’t even heard of.

Whose advice would you be interested in hearing? Which games would you be interested in having me approach for post-mortems? Which game developers would you like to hear thoughts from? Send me an e-mail at buildingbrowsergames@gmail.com, or leave your thoughts in the comments. I promise that for each game or developer mentioned, I will do my best to see if they would be interested in sharing something with Building Browsergames – whether it’s an interview, an article, a post-mortem, or something entirely different.